Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fion: My Sony Image Station Address

Hi Guys,
this is my sony image station address:
It includes a lot of Vickers' photos like MCSA dinner, cup and league game etc, u guys are welcome to check out my photo collection ~~~~~ !!!!!

Ryan's Signature Move~!!

Show your respect!

I have become the official team mascot... ... From now on I am "Ryan the Vickers Dancer".

As the team mascot, I am hosting a contest. I encourage everyone to imitate my famous "Dancer Kick", take a picture and post it to the blog. I will pick my favorite imitation picture and I will give that person the "Ryan's Most Creative Award" at the Vickers dinner.

Looking forward to see your imitations. :P

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Vickers Tour ???

Hey guys,

Is any one interested on a bus tour to U.S.? Speak up !!!

Hen 8

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


FYI. Our photos have uploaded to
Feel free to ask for the photos, we will email you the original size of any photos you want.


Posting an entry

Hey guys and gals, in order to post a new entry, you have to have a gmail account and a blogger beta account. So for people who keeps on getting back to the log-in prompt when trying to post, please create an account and a blog using your gmail account and then you will be able to post. We should also use Label to identify the different types of post we create, for example, all these photos can go under the label "Photos". To add a label to your new post, there should be a textbox on the bottom right of the main text entry area. Feel free to ask any questions, thanks!

Vickers + Player #21 Fan Photos : )


i have pics posted on my imagestation as well:

(in case u guys haven't gotten into Ben's ftp)

p.s. thanks Roger for helping me get logged in.. hahaha some of us are a little low

Way to go Vickers!! Proud of u guys~

Vickers #13 Fans

All the photos from our DC uploaded to


I believe I can fly...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Who r u trying to hit ryan?

Rita's Pictures

hey guys,

here's the link to more vickers pic:


Testing for #5 Fans!!! hahahah...

Testing for Vk13

Hi Guys !!!


See more pics @ My Imagestation Album

I dun actually have a good pic of the banner.. so i'll steal from other ppl's..

btw.. if u guys didnt' notice.. the banner actually is missing a "GO"... I messed it up w/ spray paint, so i cut it off and then just used marker for "vickers" instead... =P

and this is the other version..

(viv drew the face... haha..)

More Pictures~

~*~ Click here for more nice Vickers pictures. =) ~*~

- Anita

Pro Vickers Photo !!!

Hey Guys,

Check out the link belows for the great photo by our friend "Mr. Henry Iek"

Thank you so much for coming and took all this great picture for us.

Hen @ Vickers 8

Banner request.

Roger, you should post a pic of your work too. (banner and stuff)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Celebration Time!

Feel free to comment... -_-"

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Game We play hard as usual !!

Guys, I believe we all excited for our championship game. We all want to win that badly. Keep in mind this is just another 90 mins game that We, Vickers, come together to have fun and play hard as usual. No matter what is the result, We have already the champion in our heart as long as We try our very best.

Wish us luck and enjoy the moment.

VICKERS ON 3 !!! 1... 2... 3... VICKERS !!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Good job... After years,We made it... a UNBEATABLE CHAMPION... Just 1 last game for this season then we win both CUP... but the most happiest thing is we build up the team together... We win, we lost and we still always together...

Vickers Forever !!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

One more to go!

One more game and we will be the League Champs. We have to stay focus and calm and we will get this baby done! Then we can focus on our Cup Final, I seriously think we can use some PK practice, we had win on PK twice and I see there is lots of room to improve.